Time Management: Getting the Most Out of Your Day


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Of the various supplementary skills you can learn to help you in your students, effective time management skills are some of the most important abilities you can develop. Unlike say, the names of the Kings of England they will be of use to you no matter how high you climb in your chosen profession.  You can’t change how many hours there are in a day, but you can certainly change how you make use of them.

That’s why it’s essential that you learn to make the most of your time.  Here follows several great suggestions you may want to consider when learning how to get more out of your day.


#1 Getting things down on paper – Make a time table.

Unless you’re one of those rare fortunate people with a truly infallible memory, you’ll find yourself inevitably struggling to remember all your appointments, commitments and deadlines unless you take the step of creating a physical reminder of your obligations.  While you can also do this on a computer, mobile or other electronic device the key thing here is to effectively build a map of your time commitments, so you can see when you have space free to add new events, or when you might have to decline invitations.


#2 Learn to Plan Around Your Commitments

dateThe first thing you should do with your timetable is to slot in those things that can’t be avoided.  For example, if you have family commitments like for example picking up children from school or nursery then you know when you are going to be unavailable for work or study.  Indeed there’s no point in studying hard if you allow everything else of worth in your life to fall apart from family to friends.  Make sure to book off some time to spend with those closest to you – it’ll help you recharge and enjoy those friendships and relationships in life you already have.


#3 Balance paid-work with your studies. 

As a student, naturally your priority ought to be your studies.  However with the price of an education steadily increasing many students are increasingly having to find paid work in order to support themselves through college or university.   Paid work is an excellent way to get skills and experience not obtainable through studies, but it can be tiring and will inevitably impact on the amount of time you have free for study.  Try to organize your studies around this.


#4 Plan and Act Ahead

The biggest mistake you can do with scheduling is to try and book everything in at the last minute.  As you study you will inevitably find something’s that are harder than others for your to properly grasp and complete that you might not have expected to be.  When this happens you will find you need more time.

By ensuring you tackle your outstanding studies earlier, rather than later you can ensure you have additional free time to continue to work if needed.  When it comes to time, it’s better to have it and not need it than need it but not have it.  Start early!


#5 Figure Out What Kind of Learner You Are.

Different people learn best in different ways.  Some learn best by reading, others listening to tutorials.  Still others only truly grasp new ideas when they get to try them out for themselves.  Paired with scheduling in time management is efficiency, and you can make more use of your study time if you arrange and organized your study times to take advantage of your personal learning methods.


#6 Schedule Breaks

coffee-mugYour mind and body need time to rest and relax even from your studies.  Rest time gives the brain time to consider what it has learned and process it thoroughly. Studies typically suggest that after about 45 minutes of intense study concentration wanes, so consider taking a break and switching to another subject of activity rather than continually trying to learn the same thing for diminishing rewards.

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