Choosing an Institution

It is important to check out information about the college or university you are planning to attend, specifically to check that they are a genuine educational institution and that they hold a full accreditation. You need to be sure that your chosen institution is offering genuine qualifications.

Here are some warning signs which may indicate that the college is a low quality institution or that the qualifications on offer are not genuine.

  • It lacks accreditation by a genuine and recognised accrediting body. Some may hold worthless accreditations from accreditation mills.
  • Words which indicate a legal status, such as “state approved” or “licensed” are misused in order to suggest an accredited status, where no actual accreditation is held.
  • The institution’s given address is a mail forwarding service or a PO Box.
  • The marketing materials contain spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, over-the-top or pretentious language, or samples of diplomas.
  • They claim that you can receive your degree just a few weeks or months after you enrol.
  • The institution does not have its own library.
  • Academic credit is offered for life experience, and this is put forward as a prominent selling point for the institution.
  • Tuition and other fees are paid on a degree basis instead of per semester, per quarter, or per course.
  • Potential students are urged to “enrol now” before the tuition fees are increased, or they qualify for a “grant”, “scholarship” or “fellowship”.
  • The institution’s website looks badly made or amateurish.